Marshall White Real Estate prides themselves in their ability to provide an exceptional level of service that is envied by others in the real estate industry.
The Marshall White website backend development was provided by WebIT. With Future Medium completing the front end and design, WebIT integrated the complete backend solution including the database and WordPress Content Management System (CMS) which included blog, custom staff profile and featured listing systems.
The WebIT development also provided the connection and use of the REIV API for Suburb demographic, past sale and suburb profile information. WebIT utilise the ListOnce API which included the use of JSON so that listing data on ListOnce is also instantly used on the Marshall White website.
The Marshall White website provides a unique website concept with the purpose of providing an optimum solution for the future usage of websites primarily through tablets and phone via Responsive Web Development. The Marshall White website also includes search by map functionality through the use of WhereiS with point of interest (POI) functionality.